Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Websites for Daily Math and English Practice


After break, your child is going to get baggies with spelling words in them. In addition, you will have weekly packets involving practice with these words and even basic math fact practice. Here are some websites you can look through to get extra practice.

Starfall has basic phonics and reading practice.


Sign up for a free account to practice basic math facts.

I would suggest working on each skill for 15 minutes daily.

Miss B :)

Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Westing Game

(This obviously doesn't apply to you if you're reading Percy Jackson. Leave me a comment about your favorite part so far!)

In class, we're going to be starting The Westing Game, one of my favorite novels of all time. I explained in class that you're going to be getting your very own copy of the book to read at home. Here's a few ground rules:

1. Some stores were generous enough to donate them to our class for a discounted rate. Please treat them kindly.

2. There will be reading to do at home. You will get the complete study guide and you are expected to fill it out as we go along, chapter by chapter. There will be some pretty intense book discussions and it's important you read in class (in class, as a class) and at home in order to keep up and understand the novel.

"What if I read ahead?"

Response: That's fabulous. Definitely fill out the study guide as you go along.

3. You will be getting a bag of words to study at home, too. You will have spelling tests on these words, so study hard. I will be setting up a Quizlet and a Spelling City account for you to study from. No excuses :)

Hope you enjoy this book as much as I do. There may be some surprises as we go. :)

Here's a link to the audiobook on Youtube. You can also go to Audible.com and download the book for a credit (You get a credit just by signing up, folks! Free books rule)

Let's Read The Westing Game

-Miss B